Friday, August 29, 2014

Latin Roots #1

  1. act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
  2. ali, alter: another, other
  3. am: at/ to love
  4. anim: life, spirit, soul
  1. agenda
Definition: a list or plan of things to be done in the future.
Sentence: The school gave me my agenda, so i could know organize my homework .

  1. agile
Definition: a quick and easy of movement or thought.
Sentence: The agile cat dodged the playful dog.
  1. alienate
Definition: to make someone unfriendly, withdrawn, or indifferent.
Sentence: My friends told me to alienate the new kid, but instead i befriended him.
  1. altercation
Definition: a heated or angry argument.
Sentence: My altercation with my parent led to my punishment.

  1. amiable
Definition: generally pleasant, friendly, and nice to be around.
Sentence: My amiable personality led to my popularity in school.

  1. amorous
Definition: suggestive of love, lovemaking, or sexual desire.
Sentence: The story's amorous theme made the class silent and awkward.
  1. animated
Definition: filled with life and spirit.
Sentence: I watched the animated stranger hop down the street.
  1. equanimity
Definition: calmness or evenness of mind or spirit: even-tempered-ness.
Sentence: My equanimity helped me resist my urge to yell.
  1. inalienable.
Definition: that which cannot be taken away or transferred to someone else.
Sentence: In the U.S., your rights are inalienable.
  1. inanimate
Definition: possessing neither life nor spirit.
Sentence: The inanimate toy was brought to life by the child's imagination.
  1. magnanimous
Definition: showing a kind of nobleness of mind and spirit.
Sentence:The magnanimous teacher taught the class with a nobleness of mind and spirit.
  1. reactionary
Definition: characterized by ideas suggestion a desire to move backward, especially in matters related to politics.
Sentence: The student''s reactionary decision led to his after-school detention.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Purpose of Myth

1. Name 4 fundamental questions that myths address.
A- How do I relate to the universe? How much control do I have over my own life? What must i do in order to survive? How can i lead a satisfying life.

2. Name 4 themes in world mythology.
A-The first parents are often gods of sky and earth. The creator-god usually fashions the first humans from parts of the earth. The god destroys one world of mortals by causing a flood. Birth, maturity, and death are followed by rebirth.

3. What is the beginning of the universe for most major cultures?
A- The universe for most cultures, is a chaotic, formless mass that a god or pair of gods separates.The gods multiply so they each can have a specific role in the universe.

4. What do hero myths and epics teach members of society?
A- The heroic myths and epics of a society teach its members the appropriate attitudes, behavior, and values of that culture.

5. Why do ordinary people identify with heroes?
A- The help inspire other member of society to spread goodness and extraordinary deeds to others. Heroes' imperfections help humans compare themselves with them, since humans aren't perfect either.

6. What is the foundation of the Matriarchal Society?
A-The foundation of the Matriarchal Society is the importance of agriculture and producing human life to expand.

7. What is Sigmund Freud's view of myths?
A- He and his followers viewed myths as the expression of individual's unconscious wishes, fears, and drives.

8. Myths demonstrate that people possess...
A- Myths illustrate the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live. Myths are a different approach to why the world is like this.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Birth Order Research Essay

Germono, Darin
2nd period
More than just a Birth Order
            “Being in a family is like being in a play. Each birth order position is like a different part in a play…” This quote, by Jane Nelson, shows that Birth order can affect the characteristics of each child in each family. This illustrates that each part in a “play”, a family, should be unique. This leads to why first born, middle born, youngest born, and only born children are different. If you were to look at the characteristics of my brother and me, then you would see two different kids
            Take me and my brother for example. My brother, Derek, is very temperamental. He tends to lack the ability to be calm and collected. For instance, we were going to go to the movies, but we ended up canceling that plan due to being late. This led to my brother’s angry mood. On the other hand, I am quite peaceful and tolerant. When I’m on the losing side of things, I don’t resort to being destructive and moody. I’m able to tolerate most of the things I experience. When I was at Disneyland a while back, I was waiting in line for a ride then suddenly a stranger cuts right in front of me. Through peaceful reasoning I was able to regain my spot in line. Along with great peacefulness and tolerance, I have a few other positive traits to state.
             I am an enthusiastic person, I love being able to please other people. On multiple occasions, I have talked to friends about their life. In this hectic world, caring about what goes on in your friends' lives can show how much of a good-heart you have. Pleasing my parents when I do chores;  even doing that extra credit assignment to make sure my teacher is pleased with the fact that I did that assignment. Surrounding yourself with people you've helped can lead to a much more developed person. I have many positive traits in my repertoire. Along with my enthusiasm, comes ability to perfect things. I am pretty much a perfectionist; I love being able to go the extra mile when it comes to things like assignments. For example, I would stay up all night to make sure my essay would be great. Being a perfectionist isn't always the best thing. It leads to how much pressure I get. Trying to make sure my assignments are perfect, is the reason why I'm always under stress. This leads to why I procrastinate. 
            Being firstborn doesn't mean you're perfect, and neither does being middle, youngest, or even only born. Like I've said before, my brother and I are two very different people. My brother plays his own    role in the "play" while I play my own role. Birth order generally leads to why first born, middle born, youngest born, only born children are different. I believe that birth order and the experiences in life can lead to the shaping of two different siblings for the same origin. Experiences and moments in life make people more than just a birth order.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


I'm pretty busy with handling school,sports, and music/dancing.I will be able to be fully participating in this class. On the weekdays, I would usually stay at school from 7 am to 6 pm.

I don't exactly remember a specific moment, but I have been told by many teachers to work hard and remember to have fun. I think this means a lot to me. Your'e only young once,so make sure to live life to
the fullest.

I am looking forward towards improving myself on an English level. I haven't written the best essays, but I have the motivation to make sure I improve drastically.Not only will this expand my English limitations, but it will also aid me. I believe taking this class will help me experience a higher level of responsibility.

Monday, August 18, 2014

My six words

Six Word Memoir:
Express your creative energy through passion.
I have many passion in life. One of my main passions is dancing.
Dance is one of the many ways that I can release my creativity
and show it to the world. I believe people should pursue their passions
in life. Through your passion comes creativity. When i watched the TED
Talk, how school kills creativity, it gave me some inspiration to make this
my six word memoir. Your passions are what unlock your inner
creativity. Without creativity, there is no originality. I want to be a
dancer/choreographer/artist. I consider dancing art because dancing
can tell a story and show who you are. I believe that there are many short-
cuts to happiness in life, and i believe dancing is one of them. At the end of the
day, I dance because it makes me happy. Without happiness, then why pursue
a passion that you don't have fun doing.