Friday, September 26, 2014

Latin Roots #3

Roots and Derivatives

  1. aud(it) hear, listen, 
  2. avi bird
  3. bell(i) war
  4. ben(e) good,well
Word List
  1. antebellum: before the war. The antebellum of the Civil War was unknown to me.
  2. audit: to attend a class as a listener. To learn more, I became an audit to the class.
  3. auditory: related to hearing. My auditory senses were tingling
  4. avian: characteristics of or related to birds. The plane had avian qualities.
  5. aviary: structure for birds. My cousin and I built an aviary for the bird
  6. avionics: the study or science of the application of electricity to flying; aviation electronics. I plan to audit an avionics class
  7. bellicose: inclined to start quarrels or wars. The bellicose between the professional fighters was intense
  8. belligerency: warlike character; aggresively hostile; bellicose. The belligerency between the countries started the war.
  9. benefactor: patron, someone who helps people or institutions ( financial help).
  10. beneficiary; one who recieves financial help. Someone who recieves benefits, profits, or advantages.
  11. benign: describes a range of positive qualites like gentle, kind, and pleasant. The benign teacher was recieved with positive feedback from his students.
  12. inaudible: unable to be heard. The sound was inaudible due to the lack of volume.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Apollo and Artemis: The Twins

Apollo and Artemis: The Twins
Main Characters:
Apollo, Olympian god of prophecy and oracles, healing, plague and disease, music, song and poetry, archery, and the protection of the young. He was depicted as a handsome, beardless youth with long hair.
Artemis, Olympian goddess of hunting, wilderness and wild animals. She was also a goddess of childbirth, and the protectress of the girl child up to the age of marriage. She was depicted as a girl equipped with a hunting bow

Apollo had many children. His most famous son was Aesculapius. When Apollo found out that Aesculapius's mother, Coronis, the princess of Thessaly, went back to her old lover, he had his twin sister, Artemis, shoot Coronis while not harming the baby, Aesculapius. The baby was then given to Hermes who then gave it to Chiron, a centaur.....
As time went by, Aesculapius improved his medical skills and was able to doctor everyone who came to him. He was able to save people from the brink of 
Apollo had many children. His most famous son was Aesculapius. When Apollo found out that Aesculapius's mother, Coronis, the princess of Thessaly, went back to her old lover, he had his twin sister, Artemis, shoot Coronis while not harming the baby, Aesculapius. The baby was then given to Hermes who then gave it to Chiron, a centaur.....
As time went by, Aesculapius improved his medical skills and was able to doctor everyone who came to him. He was able to save people from the brink of 
Myth Explanation:

The myth takes place in several places....
The small island of Delos
Mount Parnassus (The Cave of mother Earth at Delphi)
Mount Olympus

Zeus gets himself into another relationship with a 
nymph named Leto. Hera then notices this relationship
and proceeds to curse leto, making her unable to 
give birth to her child. Zeus then places Leto on the island of Delos which is so small that the wind could push the island farther out to the sea. She then gives birth to Apollo
and Artemis.

When he was old enough to shoot a golden bow, Apollo went in search of the serpent who tortured his mother. After searching for the serpeant, he finally got his revenge at the cave of Mother Earth at Delphi, a sanctuary that forbid fighting. This lead to the instituted annual athletic games at Delphi....... 

death. This angered Hades, so he complained
to Zeus who then sent Aesculapius to hell. 
This also led to Apollo killing the cyclops who
made Zeus's thunderbolt, which also sent
him to hell. Through courage and
determination, Leto was able to convince 
Zeus to let Apollo and his son free.

When he was old enough to shoot a golden bow, Apollo went in search of the serpent who tortured his mother. After searching for the serpeant, he finally got his revenge at the cave of Mother Earth at Delphi, a sanctuary that forbid fighting. This lead to the instituted annual athletic games at Delphi....... 

death. This angered Hades, so he complained
to Zeus who then sent Aesculapius to hell. 
This also led to Apollo killing the cyclops who
made Zeus's thunderbolt, which also sent
him to hell. Through courage and
determination, Leto was able to convince 
Zeus to let Apollo and his son free.

This myth explains a few topics. It explains why people can't avoid death by illness or injury. It also explains why society uses the name of Aesculapius as a symbol of medical knowledge and skill. This myth also explains why women pray to Artemis when they are setup by their relatives to marry men that they did not love.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Latin Roots #2

Words from Latin Roots #2

Roots and Derivatives

  1. anni, annu, enni: anniversary,semiannual, biennial, bicentennial; annuity
  2. aqua, aque: aquatic. aqueduct, aquarium, aqualung, sub aqueous, aquamarine
  3. arm: army, alarm, disarm, armaments, armory, armor
  4. art: artistic, artificial, inarticulate, art mobile, article, artificer 
Word List
  1. aqua: hue of the sea: bluish-green 
  2. aquaculture: cultivation of water plants and animals for human food
  3. aqueous: like, of, or formed by water: watery
  4. armada: a fleet of warships
  5. armature: equipment or clothing for battle, or any protective covering; an arm-like extension
  6. armistice: temporary suspension of hostilities by mutual agreement, as a truce preliminary to a peace treaty.
  7. artifact: any object produced by the art of the human hand; simple or primitive objects from the distant past.
  8. artifice: cunning ingenuity: clever or sly trickery
  9. artisan: a person skilled at a craft. usually a handicraft
  10. millennium: a period of peace and great prosperity; a thousand years
  11. perennial: a year after year: throughout the years; a plant that blooms annually
  12. superannuated worn out, or retired, from the age and years of use or hard work: obsolete or outdated
Her aqua eyes glimmered in the sun's shine.
The farmers leaved by the river for aquaculture.
The figure seemed to have been aqueous.
The armada attacked about a week ago.
The knight's armature protected him from the slashing sword.
To prevent any conflicts, they agreed to an armistice.
The artifact revealed the history of the earth.
The man's artifice led to his plan to prank his friend.
An artist is an artisan of art.
The millennium of peace ended in war.
Perennial, he looks out into the sea and remember his former self.
My superannuated computer couldn't keep up with my typing.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Journal Sept. 9

To me, when I refer to something that's valuable it means that it's worth something to me. I define value by the hard-work and thought put into something. emotional attachment is another word to define the way I value things. I value my work in school very highly. I do my best to make sure my work is valuable. The value of this moment that I'm writing is big. I am putting much thought into this journal is the value of this moment Is high. I also refer to value as money too. Money comes from the hard-work people put in.